Have you tried these?
I was introduced to them when a friend brought them over.
They will be a must in my Easter basket this year.
I am getting really excited for this weekend.
Spring is definitely here in Texas.
If the wind would just die down it would be perfection!
We are going to decorate eggs Friday night, hit up an Easter egg hunt here locally, attend two birthday parties and hopefully not get sun burned in the process!
Even though Owen will be oblivious to all and any activities,
I am excited that this will be his first Easter holiday!
And speaking of excited…well, if being nervous to the point you want to throw up counts as excitement…here is a hint to what I have been up to in the contest department…
It has to do with cream cheese and this website!
More to share about that next week.
And just a quick reminder about my giveaway that ends tonight!!!
Good luck to everyone!