We are finally going on vacation this summer!
Like a real vacation…to Disney World!
It also happens to be a family reunion for Ian’s side,
but that doesn’t cancel out the fact it’s still our vacation!
Ian and I are actually in charge of the whole thing so
hopefully it will go off without a hitch.
Like a real vacation…to Disney World!
It also happens to be a family reunion for Ian’s side,
but that doesn’t cancel out the fact it’s still our vacation!
Ian and I are actually in charge of the whole thing so
hopefully it will go off without a hitch.
I hear Disney World is a blast and
we are even going to one of the
more beautiful beaches in Florida.
Water, sun and fun…what could be better?
Well, I will tell you the thing I am most excited about.

Chinese Sky Lanterns.
Ever since I saw Tangled, I have wanted to see these in action.
We bought some as a surprise for the
whole family and I am hoping it will be spectacular!
What fun things do you have planned this summer?
By the way…I would love it if you followed me.
My blog, that is!
Not like in a creepy stalker way, but in a nice, friendly supportive way!