Ian surprised me by taking the day off of work and driving out family of four down to San Marcos…a.k.a….the largest outlet mall in Texas! We had actually planned it all out the week before then Ian said he was crunching numbers and discovered we wouldn’t be able to afford it {we are going to Disney World this summer so we are trying to saves all of our pennies!} He is a tricky one! It was a super fun adventure and the boys were so good.
The best part about it was Ian didn’t say no once! I was a good girl and only purchased a few things (because I have buyers guilt), but ended up loving everything I picked out.
Some fun Fossil sunglasses…I really wanted a buttery yellow leather handbag, but it was a little out of our price range.
Two pair of adorable shorts at New York and Co. along with these flirty sandals…
We probably spent most of our time there and found a million and one things, but came away with this fun market basket. It was a screamin’ deal.
Liam and Ian had fun playing hide and seek while we took a little break by the car.

On the way home we treated ourselves to a Bomb Pop (my favorite!)
We had a super long day, but I completely enjoyed opening up
everything I got the next morning.
I know that it was pretty much torture for Ian to just smile all day while I was a crazy shopper and wanted to into every store possible. He even took care of every meltdown, every dirty diaper and every shopping bag. I didn’t have to do a single thing, but enjoy myself.
I love my husband!
Birthday can be just the best!!!
2 DAYS left!