But how can you not with
3 egg hunts,
2 birthday parties,
loads of candy,
and a fabulous Easter Sunday?
You know it’s a good one when they actually have good chocolate in the eggs!
maybe this year he won’t cry when we meet Santa Claus!
Right after we went to our second cousin’s first birthday party.

They also had an Easter Egg hunt.
I think Liam found the most (he was haulin’ it!)
in which both Ian and I promptly asked him to share some of
his eggs with the youngest little friend there.
He did so without putting up a fuss so I was pretty pleased.

Owen couldn’t have been happier with
a grandma and plenty of aunts/cousins and friends to hold him.
We came home and took a short nap before it was time for my niece’s 9th birthday party!!!
I snagged these pics off of my BIL’s FB page so I am hoping to get some more soon.
She decided she wanted to have a water gun fight.
It was super fun and a great way to get the whole family involved.

My BIL kept dosing everyone with a huge bucket of water
(we were one water gun short)
so he had to have his come uppin’s.
Liam absolutely loved every minute of it!
I am so sad that I didn’t get a picture of the boys on Easter in their Sunday best.
They looked extremely handsome!
We had Easter dinner with just the four of us…
I made these and they were so delicious!
Then we headed over to my SIL’s house for our 3rd egg hunt.
Since the kids are getting older we can
hide them a little better so it lasts a little longer!

Liam was so excited that the Easter Bunny came…he was also very convinced that
Mr. Incredible also came to help the Easter Bunny carry his big basket!
Owen also got a basket, but of course I didn’t get a picture…arg!
But I did get him in our traditional bunny ears…he is IRRESISTIBLE!

I really hope everyone had wonderful weekend!
Don’t forget about the giveaway…you only have a few more hours to enter!!!