My dad is a huge fan of the movie “Back To The Future”. And when I say huge, I mean he has seen it not just 20 times, not 50 times, but hundreds of times! It’s a classic in our family.
Come the new year I was thinking about what I wanted to do different from years past. Who I wanted to be and not to be. I am a person who has regrets. Not a whole lot, but enough. Some that make me cringe and others that I can laugh about now. I realize that everything done in the past has brought me here today….blah, blah, blah. I get it. But how much of a better person could I have been? It got me thinking…if I had my own Delorean with a Flux Capacitor what would I go back and tell myself to do and not to do?
The first one that comes to mind is I would visit my little 12/13 year old self and inform myself to not start biting my nails and cracking my knuckles. There. I said it. I am one of ‘those’ people with a disguising habit. I had beautiful long fingernails…up until junior high. It ruined me. All that puberty change, homework actually mattered, tests and minor bullying happened to my long strong nails.
I would highly suggest to myself to wait until May (like Ian wanted to) to get married. An outdoor reception would have been so much more pretty. We got married in February and had an indoor party with white and ice blue as the color choice…speaking of I would have told myself to stick to you guns when I wanted pink and brown as my colors. 11 years ago that was an unheard of combo for weddings and now it’s all the rage.
When blogging first came out I would have slapped my 25 year old self and said…GET THIS GOING and make it dang cute! You are going to want to make this fabulous so you will get thousands of hits a a day and change peoples lives with your awesome self! {I actually haven’t reached that awesomeness yet so maybe I should slap myself today!}
I believe that great new ideas come to many people…it’s just a matter of who has the ambition and drive to accomplish those wonderful ideas. This was my idea when I was 14 years old. 3 years later it came out and was all the rage. I didn’t say it was great, but super fun and cheesy…The mistletoe headband! I could be a millionaire today {wink}!
I also thought of a million and one (okay, like 7) totally awesome scrapbook ideas and embellishments and because of my lack luster, go gettem self, someone else came up with it!
When Ian and I were dating he said he need some time apart {all I heard was “I am breaking up with you and I want to just be friends”}. I would have held my hand as I walked back to my car after the “talk” he and I just had and tell myself to calm down. Don’t make it such a 90210 moment!. I would tell myself that yes, he is being stupid, but he needs that time to figure out that we are the one for him. He will do other stupid things in the future, but we will marry him and fall in love with him every day. You won’t want to live without him and absolutely love the way he smells in the morning!
Traveling back to New Years 2002…I would have hidden the sparklers that I lit to ring in the New Year that caused a small fire on our very dry lawn. Actually, I wouldn’t because it is such a fun story to tell.
Most definitely I would go back and give myself a high five for being quick witted and faking a sprained knee/leg/ankle after plowing into a huge snow drift while on a date with Tony B. who thought he could teach me how to ski. 5 hours on the Bunny Hill does not equal a good time in my book. It was the only way I was going to end this date and end it fast. I would also give a high five to John {Mr. Paramedic} at Brighton Ski Resort who felt pity on me when I told him I was on the worst date ever (as my date was returning our equipment) and he was the one who lied to Tony B. about my “hurt” leg. He even put it in a splint for me to make the story more believable. I haven’t been skiing since.
I would also go back in time and give myself lots of hugs at different moments in my life and tell myself,
“It’s okay that you are an only child and feel lonely sometimes. You will make some fabulous friends in the future who will feel like your sisters. You will also get some awesome brothers and sisters when you get married.”
“It’s okay that Brian D. (a major crush for years) didn’t say hello to you in the hallway today and completely ignored you even though he totally chatted you up when our mom picked him up for school today. Forget him or else you will be plagued for the next 4 years with an incurable love sick crush. He ends up getting some girl pregnant right out of high school and later gets pulled over for a DUI and takes one ugly mug shot that you later find on the internet!” Hahahaha!
“It’s okay that you aren’t a mother yet. You’ll actually have to wait 6 more years for that to happen. It doesn’t mean that God thinks you will be a horrible mother and is punishing you for all the stupid things you did as a kid. It doesn’t mean that you are any less of a woman because you’ve never been pregnant and have no opinions on what a good mother should be. It’s perfectly fine to cry your eyes out and huddle in a corner every Mother’s Day until then. Our children will show up when it’s their time to be here on earth. It’s not about you…it’s about them. They will definitely be worth the wait. So get ALL THE SLEEP you can NOW!”
Okay readers…so if you made it to the end of this wordy post, I challenge you all to copy this entry title and write your own. Post me a link to your entry here in my comments and challenge all of your readers to do the same!