We have been trying to do some fun Christmas activities around here, but not as many as I had planned at the beginning of the month. The days just fly by with an almost 2 month old and an almost 4 year old.

Liam and I {mostly me making while he ate} made our annual gingerbread house with his Grandma Belinda. It’s one of my favorite parts of the season.
2008’s house
2009’s house

Ian had a random day off of work we saw Tangled 3D with the boys. We were the only ones in the theater. I always feel so cool when that happens! It’s now my second favorite Disney movie! The Little Mermaid being the first.

Last weekend we made a new tradition in our family. We all piled into the car and got some delish ho cho {hot chocolate for all of you amateurs} from Starbucks. I highly recommend getting the gingerbread ho cho. We drove to Fort Worth to see an amazingly lit house with Santa and Mrs. Claus waving to every passerby. When we pulled up to where Liam could see I excitingly pointed out Santa to Liam. He gasped and said with full enthusiasm, “OH, MRS. CLAUS! I love you!” That’s my little ladies man!

After driving around looking at lights we picked up some Chinese food and came home to watch a Christmas Story…Fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra! So we dubbed the weekend before Christmas our lights tradition.

You can get it for free here!
Watching all the Christmas movies we own over and over is also a must!
Liam got a special message from Santa because he was a good boy this year. Maybe your kids could get one, too. Check it out!